Supermassive Black holes are even more fun. So, the average "normal" black hole weighs in at about 5-50 solar masses. For reference, that's about \(10^6\) to \(10^7\) Earths. Supermassive black holes are a whole other story. They weigh in at about 100,000 to 1,000,000,000 solar masses. So, that's about \(3\times 10^{10}\) to \(3\times 10^{14}\) Earths. These are far to large to be caused by a single star's collapse. So, how do they grow? They grow just like anything else: by eating. Black holes by definition draw everything near them into them. This let's them accumulate more and more matter through a process called accretion. Nearby stars, gas clouds, and other black holes are simply consumed by the sheer size of the supermassive black hole and once accreted, simply add to its power.
So, this leads us to Sgr A*. Our central black hole is the primary force that holds the galaxy together. By this I mean, it holds the core together, which holds the matter outside of it, which holds the matter outside of it... etc. Current estimates for Sgr A*'s mass are between 1-5 million solar masses, so it's a nice sized supermassive black hole. It is likely that in the Milkomeda collision, Sgr A* and Andromeda's central black hole will combine to form a new black hole that will begin to eat it's surrounding post-collision matter and may even ignite into a quasar.
Cool post!